An Unfair opt-out policy makes strike 2 for Yahoo. Actually, I would like to count removing the free POP email access as 3 strikes. If they had asked would I be willing to pay for POPping my email, then they would have learned that am I not. No one I have discussed this with seems…
Had a ton of fun in London and Paris. Got to see lots of castles, henges, and sights. I loved being over there. Traveling is great. Period. Being some place where there is so much history and stuff to see felt invigorating. I am very much enjoying the April Fool’s Day web pages. Internet Cleanup…
Had a ton of fun in London and Paris. Got to see lots of castles, henges, and sights. I loved being over there. Traveling is great period. Being some place where there is so much history and stuff to see felt invigorating. Today is the Yearly Internet Cleanup! UPDATE 2011-APR-10: The whole England, Chepstow, and…
Even the Chinese beat Columbus and Magellan. Zhang He sailed around the world about 1421 according to historian Menzies. I will have to pick up his book when it is published. I’ve never been a fan of Columbus Day. I think the Norse beat him across the Atlantic centuries earlier.
This election mess in Zimbabwe got even messier. The president of that country has been kicking out international observers and foreign news media. The observers were kicked out because they would not agree to help him swing the election. The news media because they published or produced some critical pieces about his treatment of the…
Do you hear that sucking sound? Music companies want every last coin you have. So does Hollywood. Now, Yahoo has a pay-per-view service:Â Yahoo to launch pay-per-search Nice, agencies use databases that are not accurate. Nor are people even aware of the data or have access to change or dispute the data. Lovely. Source:Â Unregulated databases hold…
We knew this would happen sometime. The Internet reached its peak in 1999. Survey: Internet shrinks as domain numbers fall. Fewer domains were registered than not renewed. Guard-IE handles cookies, web bugs, pop-ups, and their ilk. Very innobtrusive. Think I could actually buy this one.
From the NEWS of the WEIRD archive. In September, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution profiled desolate Echols County, Georgia (between Valdosta and the Okeefenokee Swamp), well-known to the state’s judges because that is where they encourage lawbreakers to go when they really want them to leave the state altogether. The Georgia constitution prohibits banishing people from the state…
Hate it when you are on a web page, your browser installs a plugin and promptly closes all of your browser windows itself. I’d love the opportunity to do something like bookmark the pages I want to come back to once the plugin installs? Scared of Echelon, yet? Maybe you should be… At the very least…