WWW turns 15!
Today’s Unshelved on Ringworld and Halo! Great stuff. I could so see Microsoft’s lawyers rolling their eyes when someone suggested this.
TLP stuck under the bridge on Mobile river., originally uploaded by xjbei. I think someone lost an oil rig…. Maybe it was that crazy guy down the beach?
I am a major skeptic. However, the idea of dragons and alien visitors existing are the only things that I hope could actually exist despite the lack of data to the contrary. I am not a big believer in astrology, magic, and other stuff. I do think there are some things ancient civilizations may have…
Bloggers Need Not Apply delves into a search committee’s use of personal web sites and blogs to scare them away from hiring candidates.
Anyone looking for a puppy? The Monastary of St. Bernard is giving away their last St. Bernards. How uncool.
Another outbreak of Ebola in Africa? Ebola is a scary disease from which to die.
“News this week from the FBI’s top official for counterterrorism that Osama bin Laden was “probably not with us anymore” has shaken the al Qaeda leader, who had spent the past 10 months believing he was alive. “Â SatireWire | Bin Laden Hit Hard By News Of His Death
It has been a long day. I did help make graduation go off. My crazy slick cool copy-n-paste skills saved the day! Now to go home vege…. Some TV or a movie. Think the news media is a little hyper-aware of plane crashes now. Yahoo! News – Egyptian Plane Crashes in Tunisia and BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Airliner…