Category: Privacy

  • Spies Among Us

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) is are the spies. Though, the longer…

  • Sorry… A comment spammer found my blog today. WordPress did an okay job to moderate the ~150 it tried to post. Rather than see the emails from the spammer attempting to post, I decided that since I don’t get many comments anyway, to just require one to login to post a comment. So, if you…

  • This is an interesting opinion piece. I kind of think of the Bank of America commercial where the CTO or CIO says their goal is not to get right almost every time but to get it right once and replicate it every time. Wired News: Why Data Mining Won’t Stop Terror Let’s look at some…

  • Maybe this is my stint working in a library back as a college student. There were some shady folks who came into the library to look up pictures of women with huge, obviously fake breasts. Plus the gutteral laugh at the ones where each had twice the volume of the woman’s head. They did this…

  • Tech: Glad the panel involved rational people. CIPA was idiotic. Court rules library Net filtering unconstitutional Maybe with some computer the Patent and Trademark Office will have people that understand them? Some of the most ignorant patents make it into existence. Think there should be panels of people involved various industries to determine the viability of…

  • P3P


    Learning about web site privacy policies and P3P. Seeing who has them and who doesn’t. I am surprised more universities have not jumped into this. Harvard, UCLA, and MIT have not even set up P3P files. MIT does not even have a privacy statement from the home page. Coming back to more local, the major univeristies in the…

  • Do you hear that sucking sound? Music companies want every last coin you have. So does Hollywood. Now, Yahoo has a pay-per-view service: Yahoo to launch pay-per-search Nice, agencies use databases that are not accurate. Nor are people even aware of the data or have access to change or dispute the data. Lovely. Source: Unregulated databases hold…

  • Eye for an eye

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    Looking at a Frontline page on Bin Laden. It includes an interview with Bin Laden conducted by John Miller. Miller: American politicians have painted a distorted picture of Islam, of Muslims and of Islamic fighters. We would like you to give us the true picture that clarifies your viewpoint … . Bin Laden: The leaders in…

  • Before I get sucked into the rant… check out the Women’s Studies Conference at VSU being web cast. How does one separate the conflict between privacy and open information acts? People have a higher expectations of openness for government than for corporations. Someone applying to become president of just about any corporation could expect their…