Dear computer software companies, Its a waste of my time and yours to bring to your attention a bug in your code of which you are already aware. Several of you are good about disclosure. Several of you really annoy me. You know who you are. Ezra
I’ve noticed lately lots of commercials for a phone company’s web site equivalent of their book. These commercials emphasize the strong effectiveness of thte combination of their book and web site. These commercials run multiple times per day on the radio and television. So… If the book and web site are so effective, then why…
Time Change a ‘Mini-Y2K’ in Tech Terms – New York Times: For the roughly 7,000 public companies in the United States, Mr. Hammond estimates the total cost of making computer fixes to deal with the daylight saving time shift at more than $350 million. “It’s causing a lot of corporate technology people sleepless nights,†he…
Moon men == bomb threat? Well, I expected Aqua Teen Hunger Force to bomb when I first saw it. So, thanks to the Boston police this media campaign which intended to be subtle and inexpensive is getting a tsunami of free media coverage. No matter the outcome of the two guys going to prison or…
Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…
Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…
AOL Founder Says He is ‘Sorry’ for Time Warner Merger: Steve Case, co-founder of the one-time biggest online service AOL, apologized for the company’s merger with media conglomerate Time Warner Inc. in an interview with journalist Charlie Rose. You killed Netscape and WinAmp! Though, I must admit, the downward trajectory of Netscape made it so…
I got my oil changed today. One of the guys there sits down and says that he’ll put the more expensive oil I selected in my car while charging me for the cheaper stuff (about 60%) cheaper. The catch is he wanted me to give him a half the difference in cash under the table…