2 possibilities: CP 2.2.1 is more stable than 2.1.1 or Joe has been hiding the crashes. Hopefully the former. 2.1.1 rarely made it over 2 weeks without at least 1 crash. 2.2.1 has gone at least 2 weeks so far. There is another “helpful” virus on the scene…TROJ_ALLGRO.A. This one sends and attachment tells you it…
Moved the College of Business Administration web site from the old design with a slightly improved version. Redesigning other COBA pages such as the Accounting and Finance. Also updating a professor’s course information. – – – – – Nice weather outside…. lightning, thunder, pouring rain. Wish I was at home… kick back on the porch and watch it. My…
I especially like the last paragraph. Are we really certain that the mechanism of society, like the mechanism of the heavenly bodies or the mechanism of the human body, is subject to general laws? Are we really certain that it is a harmoniously organized whole? Or is it not true that what is most notable…
Something that has tied my thoughts in knots for about a week now… this preoccupation many individuals claim to find my supposedly lofty intelligence intimidating bothers me. Really, I am not that intelligent… I usually score between a 126 to a 144 on IQ tests. School was a knack for me because teachers and testing…
Nice and dreary outside. We need the rain, but at what cost? Thunderstorm warnings… tornado watches… Funny things is that just yesterday we were told that the drought would continue. Yes, I know that one measley thunderstorm will not cancel 3 years of drought conditions, but the rain will be especially nice. Wow… Yesterday around…