Category: Science

  • I like this action shot… girl in front of Microsoft sign with teeshirt “Chick Dig Unix”. Something just so sinister, ya know? Apparently I have a higher than average Empathy (64) and Systematizing (71) Quotients (link). Eh. These are really similar to the Myers-Briggs iNtuitive and Feeler scales.

  • Emode


    Well, it is official… I am evil!!! (only kinda, according to Who woulda thunk it? On the upside, I am almost borderline passive-aggressive. Apparently, I am also naughty. WTF? My MBTI is now ENFP? I used to to be INFP or INTP. How in the hell did a computer nerd like me end up an extrovert? Guess it…

  • The human mind has an amazing ability to interpolate illusions into or perceptions (and thus our memories). What we perceive is already an illusion of mental processes identifying patterns and attempting to generate reality. We do not really see 3 dimensional objects. We see 2 pictures which are super-imposed. Our minds almost immediately detect the differences…

  • Mmmmmmmmmmmm… playing video games is what screwed me up. News: Report: Video Games Hurt Your Brain That last post has some problems in methodology, I think. First Person Shooters (FPSs), where people have to react as quickly as possible could elicit the problem of reduced emotional and creative abilities. To me those games are the…

  • Science & Technology News: Yahoo! News – Archaeologists Unearth Base of Egypt Queen Pyramid Business There could be 1.1 million jobs created over the next year. Yahoo! News – Information Technology Work Force Set to Grow Really… these days notebooks are actually decent. You can do quite a bit of stuff of them. Yahoo! News – Notebooks…

  • U.S. News: This might explain why my collegiate friends can’t get real jobs. Too much competition? BBC News | BUSINESS | US joblessness hits eight-year high The recession may be over, but we have not recovered. A fine distinction, I know. With most of the major economies still down, it seems like it would be difficult…

  • Work Saturday morning was not terrible. I hear we were complimented. Noticed I had a tendency to cradle my hands in front of me. Think that is a weird nervous habit. Went driving yesterday afternoon. Followed this “bike trail” for 75 miles. Figure it must go across the state along some of the most backwater…

  • Updated my movie list. Geek News – FDA won’t regulate chips: Seems the FDA thinks that a chip which sits in your body and more or less broadcasts your medical information is not a medical device.

  • – Researchers find 3,600-mile ant supercolony – April 15, 2002 – Net blamed for marital breakups – April 15, 2002