Category: Science

  • Discovery Channel :: News – Human :: Serious Study: Immaturity Levels Rising: The adage “like a kid at heart” may be truer than we think, since new research is showing that grown-ups are more immature than ever. Specifically, it seems a growing number of people are retaining the behaviors and attitudes associated with youth. As…

  • Americans’ circle of friends is shrinking, new study shows | Science Blog: Americans’ circle of close confidants has shrunk dramatically in the past two decades and the number of people who say they have no one with whom to discuss important matters has more than doubled, according to a new study by sociologists at Duke…

  • BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Hawking to write children’s book: Physicist Stephen Hawking and his daughter are to write a science book for children which will be “a bit like Harry Potter”, but without the magic. Too bad I don’t have any children to which to read such a book. My favorite college volunteer experience…

  • People are all over discounting email as a useful communication medium. The only difference between email and paper memos is the ability to send them so quickly. In another job, I usually sent important emails to my boss who then rewrote them to make them more palatable for the wide public. In the end, knowing…

  • *Cough, Cough*

    Not sure what to think about this. After all, the reasons for why people get sick are as varied as the illnesses. Why would two distinct populations have different rates of illness? Well just off the top of my head: Genetics Pollution Bad habits Poor management These could all be slight contributors. Or it could…

  • This will make paintball fun again. 😀 Guardian Unlimited | Science | Now you see it, now you don’t: cloaking device is not just sci-fi It’s been the curse of the USS Enterprise and the Klingons’ favoured weapon. But back on Earth, mathematicians claim to have worked out how to make a cloaking device to…

  • In this article, Rands describes the building of a company culture in getting a software product to 1.0. Company culture has become a topic of interest to me lately. In taking a new job in a place with a very different mindset, I want to better understand my component in this machine. Thoughts in my…

  • Perhaps this can suggest something even more novel like fast food is responsible for the increased crime levels? By eliminating McDonalds and Burger King, the US could cut crime by whole percentage rates? Maybe this could spawn whole new legal defenses? “Because I was malnurished, I was not thinking straight.” Perhaps too similar to the…

  • Quarry Layers, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Red Georgia clay is only at the top. I saw these from the US 441 north of Dublin and south of Milledgeville and had to stop to take pictures for my mom. The other photos were bonuses.