Category: Science

  • Science Mysteries, Explained – Popular Science The world is full of mysteries, and we at Popular Science strive to do our part to help you make sense of them. What causes Slurpee-induced brain freeze? Will junior1s piano lessons make him smarter? Can men produce breast milk? We’ve covered these important bases and more to help…

  • LOL Does this mean women are like particles? The forces of attraction and repulsion are the Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces.

  • These companies use mitochondrial DNA to trace one’s genetic lineage. So, they take a sample from my mitochondria (which I got from my mom) and compare it to samples that have been taken from mitochondria samples found in their database to match it. Well, my mom’s mom has lots of English and Scottish ancestry. So…

  • Security Watch: The myth of online anonymity – CNET reviews: In his talk, Kazwetz mentioned several studies on gender use of keywords which, when weighted–with specific numerical values for male and different numerical values for female–can determine the gender of the author. Sounds too simple to be true, but research (including Gender, Genre, and Writing…

  • First there was the conversation about how to get a baby squirrel to pee. (UPDATE: The squirrel now pees at inappropriate times. So he’s been named Lindsey in honor.) Then, it turned to even more strange topics, like zoo manure! ZooDoo – Product Information: Hoof stock (giraffe, zebra, elephant, bison, antelope, llama, rhino, hippo and…

  • NASA – NASA Finds Direct Proof of Dark Matter: Dark matter and normal matter have been wrenched apart by the tremendous collision of two large clusters of galaxies. The discovery, using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes, gives direct evidence for the existence of dark matter. … These observations provide the strongest evidence yet…

  • TV found to be a painkiller for children – Yahoo! News: Sometimes the numbing effect of TV can be helpful. Especially if you’re a kid being stuck with a needle at the hospital. Researchers confirmed the distracting power of television — something parents have long known — when they found that children watching cartoons suffered…

  • Thanks, Mom!

    The Straight Dope: Is male pattern baldness inherited? Who’s to blame?: … Men are more prone than women to X-linked abnormalities because they receive an XY chromosome combination while women get XX. In women, a recessive abnormality on one X chromosome will likely be masked by a dominant normal gene on the other. Men, however,…

  • Discovery is away

    July 4, 2006, originally uploaded by Mrs.MikeBRSM. Its great NASA was able to launch Discovery. I hope the mission goes smoothly. I also hope foam doesn’t remain a hot button issue.