It’s often argued that the high false positive rate proves the system is poorly run or even useless. This is not necessarily the case. In running a system like this, we necessarily trade off false positives against false negatives. We can lower either kind of error, but doing so will increase the other kind. The…
You’d think a city would make life hell on venue owners and fine advertisers for making them spend thousands of employee man hours cleaning up advertisements pasted onto walls of buildings, benches, etc. Punishment is only effective with the subject notices and can tie back to the cause-effect relationship. Tracking down, fining, and hearing appeals…
Recording of rapid crawling movement by a specimen of Neocrinus decorus on a ~5 minute video sequence. (Abstract)
Moon and Star, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Large @ Flickr
News about scientific topics annoys me. The latest, on the melting of the Martian polar ice caps hinting at a warmer than usual Sun causing global warming makes me wonder if Kate reads about science as voratiously as I do? I mean, as I started to read this, I recalled that the number and size…
I can’t believe I missed the eclipse… 🙁
Discovery Channel :: News – Space :: Did Viking Lander Kill Alien Life? Last month, scientists excitedly reported that new photographs of Mars showed geologic changes that suggest water occasionally flows there — the most tantalizing sign that Mars is hospitable to life. In the ’70s, the Viking mission found no signs of life. But…