I tend to think things are going to be worse than they actually will be. That new restaurant will suck. Somehow I will manage to total my car on the trip I have taken 27 times in the past 5 years. I knew I failed every test I took in school until I get it…
If this is right, then money can buy happiness. The problem we create for ourselves is spending the money on expensive things we like. Happiness may come through spending money to help others. Look at charity giving statistics by people in the United States. I hope though as people discover things like Kickstarter, people find…
Human relationships are rich and they are messy and they are demanding and we clean them up with technology. — Sherry Tuckle Technology is the great deceiver. We can use it to craft how we present ourselves to others. Unfortunately, we lose the connections. As a university campus webmaster, I most preferred meeting in person.…
Kudos to Lindsey for recommending this. I had watched it before he said something, but I was surprised that I had not posted it on this blog because… I. LOVE. THIS. TALK. I’m not this obsessive when I get interested in something. Like Adam though, I never feel I know have or done enough. MythBusters…
Catherine who I follow on Twitter retweeted about agreeing with this blog post: Last night while sitting at a pub with some friends, the topic of information came up. My friend Tom, in particular, had a few interesting things to say about it. I asked him if he thought that constantly being tapped into the stream of information that…
Brené Brown talks anput the fear of disconnection from the social fabric. To me this ties well with a book, Loneliness, where a big point is that social isolation hits the same areas of the brain as physical pain. In case the above video does not show, the try this link The power of vulnerability.
Adam Savage holds the position of my favorite story teller. Part of it might be that he speeds his rate of talking up to the edge of where I think he is about to stumble, but he does not. It lends to sensing his excitement. He talks about Feynman and Eratosthenes here. If the above video…
I to really need to pick up Susan Cain’s book Quiet. I watched her talk at Leading@Google a couple weeks ago because I could not find her TED. Now the TED is available. My family very much was the one where we would hang out together reading. I’ve always been the one to hang back and watch…