Work Saturday morning was not terrible. I hear we were complimented. Noticed I had a tendency to cradle my hands in front of me. Think that is a weird nervous habit. Went driving yesterday afternoon. Followed this “bike trail” for 75 miles. Figure it must go across the state along some of the most backwater…
Updated my movie list. Geek News – FDA won’t regulate chips: Seems the FDA thinks that a chip which sits in your body and more or less broadcasts your medical information is not a medical device. – Researchers find 3,600-mile ant supercolony – April 15, 2002 – Net blamed for marital breakups – April 15, 2002
The power going out is something with which I can live. The gas can go out too for all I care. I do not have cable and rarely use the telephone. Yet, the water I need. Hygene and hydration are extremely important to me. The downward spiral of Israel and Palestine is going to get…
It has begun… human cloning… ugh…
I really think that the reason I do not get sick is force of will. Doctors suck. Nurses are kewl. Pharmecies suck (no offense Ellen). No matter how bad any of those are, insurance companies must go away. I really don’t think socialized medicine would be much better so that is no alternative. Still, one…
Fasting is hard. Not supposed to eat between sunrise and sunset. I think it has made me a little irritable. Well, only 11 more days. 🙁
Could Jess be an introvert? You make the call… I tend to keep to myself at work. I don’t normally talk about anything personal… what I do, where I go, what I like, what I don’t like, etc. It’s not relevant. — 28 Feb 2002 Who knew? Obviously not the people at work… Jess, you’re right.…
it’s raining! it’s pouring! the old man is snoring! he bumped his head and went to bed and won’t get up til morning! that 20% chance came through…