The Theory of Everything (String Theory) is 20 years old. This New York Times article is uberlong. I have only slogged through the first couple pages, but it has been a great read so far.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams
Another outbreak of Ebola in Africa? Ebola is a scary disease from which to die.
I like this action shot… girl in front of Microsoft sign with teeshirt “Chick Dig Unix”. Something just so sinister, ya know? Apparently I have a higher than average Empathy (64) and Systematizing (71) Quotients (link). Eh. These are really similar to the Myers-Briggs iNtuitive and Feeler scales.
Well, it is official… I am evil!!! (only kinda, according to Who woulda thunk it? On the upside, I am almost borderline passive-aggressive. Apparently, I am also naughty. WTF? My MBTI is now ENFP? I used to to be INFP or INTP. How in the hell did a computer nerd like me end up an extrovert? Guess it…
It feels like 80F outside. Thought it was supposed to be winter? Couldn’t sleep in cause I was sweating so much. These are some thoughts in response to a comment to my last post: “on another note i spent almost all day arguing with a friend about why there should be a black history month and not…
It always surprises me to look at the stats for my Fountain of Knowledge web site. Most of the traffic is to visit the page I created with quotes. The title must be the bomb… “Quotes To Make You Think” because 90% of the traffic I get is to view that page.
“… My hypocracy knows no bounds” — Doc Holiday, Tombstone “Every horse thinks his own pack heaviest.” — Thomas Fuller “You live by choice, not by chance.” “It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It’s that they can’t see the problem.” — G. K. Chesterton “Prepare yourself for the world, as the athletes used to do for their exercise; oil your…
Much better today. Dunno what yesterday was about. Of course, I got less sleep last night than the night before. WTF?