Category: Philosophy

  • NPR : Mother and Son Offer Transracial Adoption Insights: Morning Edition, July 23, 2007 · When Judy Stigger and her husband decided to adopt, they chose children who very obviously didn’t look like them. “If you’re a very private person, this is probably very hard to do because people are curious and do ask how…

  • Nasrin, a local Baha’i, tells the best stories.

  • Fear

    MIT finds cure for fear | Press Esc: MIT biochemists have identified a molecular mechanism behind fear, and successfully cured it in mice, according to an article in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

  • It’s often argued that the high false positive rate proves the system is poorly run or even useless. This is not necessarily the case. In running a system like this, we necessarily trade off false positives against false negatives. We can lower either kind of error, but doing so will increase the other kind. The…

  • You’d think a city would make life hell on venue owners and fine advertisers for making them spend thousands of employee man hours cleaning up advertisements pasted onto walls of buildings, benches, etc. Punishment is only effective with the subject notices and can tie back to the cause-effect relationship. Tracking down, fining, and hearing appeals…

  • Happy?

    . Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. John Stuart Mill English economist & philosopher (1806 – 1873) From The Quotations Page

  • Godwin’s Law

    Godwin’s Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. Wowsers…

  • B for a Be

    Are online students really students? We like to think seeing is believing, but who meets a student who takes a completely online class? Apparently, seeing is also interpolating…. at Stanford, anyway. Is this a single case? How easy is it for someone to take an academic year’s worth of classes without anyone catching on to…

  • Recording of rapid crawling movement by a specimen of Neocrinus decorus on a ~5 minute video sequence. (Abstract)