Category: Philosophy

  • Arizona

    Arizon’s new immigration law was a brunch discussion topic. So I told this story about coming home from Arizona: A border guard stopped us on I-10 just east of El Paso, Texas back in 1993. Mom, my brother, and myself were in the car. Several days prior, the three of us and Dad all crossed the…

  • Honestly, I failed to think about what to put on the census form. There was no question I consider myself both black and white. So this article Black Or Biracial? Census Forces A Choice For Some about people in a similar situation to myself only identifying themselves as black was curious. The best quote: “Put…

  • In the end

    And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln He passed on April 15, 1865 or 145 years ago. One of my top 10 favorite books is Lincoln’s Melancholy. Fantastic book on depression and how the historical record supports he might have had…

  • Given the local record pollen count level, I found this one interesting.

  • On December 18, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 62/139… which declares April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) in perpetuity. News last month about oxytocin helping autism patients’ socialization was quite intriguing. I hope research continues and helps as many as possible. Something so basic as a naturally produced hormone makes me…

  • Ran across Selected Quotes About Computers & Software at a site called The Core Memory. I have the teeshirt for this first one. The rest are for inpiration. There are 10 types of people. Those that understand binary and those that do not. — Ray Roton Old programmers never die… They just decompile. — Peter…

  • Today is Ada Lovelace Day to celebrate women in technology and science. I’ve read women need role models more than men. If true, then movements like this to promote those who are doing great work in fields like technology are good. First a little about Ada. Ada [Lovelace[ called herself  “an Analyst (& Metaphysician),” and the…