Category: Communication

  • Netiquette or really any form of etiquette is not common sense. People in general do not know how to behave themselves in foreign cultures. As much as we might hate to admit it, cybercultures do abound and each have rules of behavior. They may not be posted, but members of the society know them. Many…

  • Something I guess I intuitively knew, but never really considered is that online communities are exactly that… communities. Consider that these places have areas for interacting with other members. People do the usual thing like talk to each other. I think the key is the results of the conversation… they argue, aid other, seek info,…

  • My what a quiet morning. Woke up early as usual and just sat back and continued reading A Storm of Swords. Only on page 710 or so. At least I am nearing the end. Seems like George has managed to pull the rug out from under me a couple more times. Excellent writer and very hard…