Earlier in the week I picked on a DBA at UGA for wanting to use truncate learning_context. Overheard at the office a developer used truncate and caused those DBAs to recover the data. Ugh.
I felt conspicuously under dressed downtown tonight. Lots of people out and about wearing either 208,0,0 n 0,0,0 or 153,0,0 n 255,255,255. The male red n blacks were dressed in white shirts, black pants, and red tie. The female red n blacks were dressed in little black dresses and red accessories. Both male and female…
Coworker 1: You signed the wrong thing. Coworker 2: What? Coworker 1: You wrote “Happy Birthday” on a sympathy card. (Both laugh)
Werewolves of Athens, originally uploaded by Ezra F.
Overheard in cube land… Analyst: Quick question which I think will have a quick answer. DBA: Okay. Analyst: Can we– DBA: No! Is that quick enough? It was humor. Both laughed.
Someone brought a baby. There are lots of strange noises from women making baby speak. The only thing I understood from all of that was, “Do we have a new employee?” Get ’em started young, I guess. Teach ’em to be good employees before they learn to talk back.
OnlineAthens.com | News | Taliaferro’s night life a draw for stargazers 09/17/07: “We like our darkness,” said Chris Hetlage, the developer of an unusual village taking shape on a hilltop about 40 miles southeast of Athens. “That’s really why we’re here.” Georgia’s least populous county leads the region in a tourist commodity that is as…