Category: from Xanga

  • Just wanted to put a shout out to all the evicted Floridians.

  • Hold off installing Windows XP SP2? Did some preliminary testing of it during its Release Candidate 2 phase and found no problems with any of the web applications I administrate. Really breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. However, it is starting to look like this thing it going to cause a nightmare for us all.…

  • Video games are good for children. I wonder if it took a Gen X scientist to ram this down the throats of the scientific community. The hours of video games I played as a kid probably number in the hundreds. Tank Super Mario Brothers (also, 2, 3, and 64) Zelda Mortal Kombat Super Mario Kart…

  •  Balkanization?  Balkanization! Damn… that is exactly the term I need to start using more and more to describe the advertiser’s war on consumers. Found another article on consumer’s hesitancy towards registering. To get into anything, one has to provide more information than even our parents don’t know. A bad side affect? Some people don’t know…

  • Browsers are fickle and annoying. We cannot really trust them. At one point I made a habit of bookmarking every web site I visited because I didn’t know whether or not my browser would crash. (Good ole IE4!) Scroll forward 5 years and things are not much better. The design is still clunky and annoying.…

  • Ya know… I never trusted one-way mirrors. People who use a public toilet enclosed in one-way mirrors obviously do. Sick? Disturbed? Not gonna do it! (Thanks, Valya, for weirding me out!)

  • Okaaay… consumers want personalization (those cute features that let us know about related items based on our preferences). However, consumers don’t want to supply any information upon which the company can build a profile. Huh? Is it a lack of understanding on the part of IT or consumers? How are companies supposed to provide consumers…

  • This article talks about computer gangs tagging (installing Trojans) and causing havok on the Internet (DDOSes). However, they avoid naming the groups. Are they are fear inspiring as Crips and Bloods? Or are they lame like Bits and Boards?

  • Good Game NASA! Everyone needs a 10,000+ Proc Linux Supercomputer. Hiring? In unrelated news, four reports are pretty depressing: One would think that with all the election fiascos they have had, making sure a dozen backups of the data would be high up on the list for a electronic voting election. Apparently Miami-Dade lost their…