Category: from Xanga

  • Who would want to attack President Bush’s web site Apparently all they did was set up a block to refuse to serve content to non-US domains. Which means the attackers can hit the web server, they just cannot see anything. Doh! Besides, with all the free anonymizers it would be trival to get around…

  • Cross pollinating the blogosphere by posting this survey thingie I snagged from ramennoodlegirl at LJ. Survey time! What would you do to/with me? all of my friends better answer this. *evil glare* i wanna hear from every last one of you! lol. Y = Yes. N = No. M = Maybe, depends. * = Already…

  • The military always has the coolest toys! They know how to do a LAN party right, of course. Put together a supercomputer to be your host game machine. It tracks 1 million entities (a tremendous improvement over the 64 person limits of some games).

  • Murphy’s Law now has a formula. This is too kewl!  ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) urgency (U), complexity (C), importance (I), skill (S), frequency (F),  aggravation (A [set to 0.7])

  • brittsaqt suggested a required reading list. So here goes (in no particular order) with Amazon links: A Game of Thrones – George R.R. Martin Illiad and Odyssey – Homer Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass – Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel A Brief History In Time – Stephen Hawking The Elegant Univese –…

  • Bacterial cells outnumber the human cells in our bodies. The vast majority of bacteria help us. I knew there are lots of good bacteria on the surface of our skin. That is why I only sparingly use anti-bacterial soap. For the nasty things my fingers get into, naturally I use it. If I have a…

  • The aftermath of hurricanes in Florida corresponds to drops in volume of spam. Sounds like there might be lots of spammers down there. Maybe THAT is why the hurricanes went for Florida? All the hot air coming out of the place acted like a magnet. Maybe we should just cut the state off from the…

  • There is not a lot of respect for IT workers. I think because some people think that they know a little bit and that with just a little bit of effort they can be just as good as the IT guy. Perhaps that is true? However, it reminds me of the pathetic sitcoms were the…

  • Online Gaming is addictive. That anyone can find this revelationary strikes me as amazing. EverQuest is almost or over 5 years old! We knew when it came out that it was addictive. People who played it called it EverCrack. It is an addiction and should be treated seriously. The 12 Steps from OLG-Anon sounds very similar to the Al-Anon…