Under no more illusions…
Coworkers are stopping in my office because they are bored. Unfortunately, I do not have such luxuries. As they are the kinds the interact with people lots, they do not have much to do when everyone else is gone. My job is more technical and with so much to do, days like this are insanely…
There is a theory that some people have that providing goodies to IT personnel makes them like you and help you whenever you need it. How true is this? Dunno… but it means that I get cookies, cake, pizza, etc. This all hurts my waistline, but it is mmmmm mmmm good. 🙂 Today, I got…
I have been thinking a lot on my own. My dreams are becoming more and more strange of late. Have posted about them at Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric. These dreams always start up pretty fierce when I am wrestling with something difficult to decide. The last time was when I was pondering quitting my job.…
The trouble with beaucracies is that they are well… beaucratic. It sucks that such great ideas as kids investigating anarchy these days become bogged down with the chains of beaucracy.
This feels VERY familiar. Improving efficiency is a sign of insecurity? If true… that would make me extremely insecure….
The Ten Axioms of Modern Computing by Dvorak is great facetious list of those things one needs to know about using a computer. Challenge Response anti-spam technology has from its inception annoyed me. That viruses capture inboxes and deliver email all over the place has made CR even more annoying in that I get challenge…
I voted.
Thought about ryoushi‘s 12 personality traits would be an interesting reference for all those people I confuse . I am a geek. Yes. It is true. All these posts about computer stuff narrows my genus to Elitist Computerus, but I think I may have been crossbred with Elitist SolarisGuerres. Buttons are made to be pushed.…