Category: from Xanga

  • The Best Survey Ever� Part 1: Basic Boring Crap1. Your name: Sneezy 2. Your age: 283. What you do to pay the bee-ills: Web whore… web server adminitration, web application programming, web design4. How do you feel about your life on a scale of 1-10, with 1 representing “the world has collectively crapped on my…

  • The Theory of Everything (String Theory) is 20 years old. This New York Times article is uberlong. I have only slogged through the first couple pages, but it has been a great read so far.

  • This is too kewl… A staircase becomes a face.

  • Apparently Sunday evening is the prime time to perform server maintenance. Only 1/2 the sites I have attempted to visit today have given me a notice that they are not available. One side of me says, “Good! Keep it up to date and free of bugs.” Another side says, “Dammit! Why can’t they pick another…

  • NINE places I’ve visited 9) Tallahassee, FL 8) Atlanta, GA 7) Monteagle, TN 6) Paris, France 5) Nashville, TN 4) Terre Haute, IN 3) New York, NY 2) London, England 1) Chicago, IL EIGHT things I want to do before I die 8) visit Victoria, Seychelles 7) breed 6) get my PhD 5) pet a…

  • You blog, I blog, we all blog. Now, Mirriam-Webster knows about ‘blog’. Unfortunately, people are not forward looking enough to see the US Brain Drain threatens all of us. My favorite quote: “If current trends continue, U.S. businesses will turn increasingly to outsourcing not just because they want to but because they’ll have no alternative.”…

  • If you have not already done so, then you should check out THE GREAT SOFTWARE LIST. I had several of the programs already. I also picked a few new ones. A few I might get my boss to buy because they might be useful.

  • My Life Is An Onion Article Fortunately, I can laugh at TheOnion articles which are making fun of 20-something workaholics just like me.

  • Humans may be born to run, but it is work… Too much easier to kick back on the couch. Especially on Turkey Day. Maybe it would be better to abandon all this technology and bitter squabbling over privacy and go back into the woods to hunt. Oh… wait… we are killing off everything left and…