Category: from Xanga

  • Every once in a while, the idea of email postage crops up. Every time I recall the chainletter from the late 90s from people terrified that maybe the Internet will no longer be free because the Post Office was going to take it over and charge as much per email as letters. Now, the idea is…

  • David Bradley

    David Bradley retired.  *sniffle* Shall we all hit Ctrl+Alt+Del in tribute?

  • David Bradley retired.  *sniffle* Shall we all hit Ctrl+Alt+Del in tribute?

  • Hi… this is me

  • The challenges Microsoft has with Interet Explorer are never ending. A new IE bug has cropped up which allows people to be tricked into downloadsing and executing files to infect their computers. Are you using Mozilla yet? No? Don’t you think you should? Variant of MyDoom edits the hosts file. Joy. Those whose machines are compromised will not be…

  • Variant of MyDoom edits the hosts file. Joy. Those whose machines are compromised will not be able to hit the web sites of vendors to help them fix it.

  • The challenges Microsoft has with Interet Explorer are never ending. A new IE bug has cropped up which allows people to be tricked into downloadsing and executing files to infect their computers. Are you using Mozilla yet? No? Don’t you think you should?

  • This latest computer worm, MyDoom (aka Novarg or Shimgapi or MiMail.R) infects Microsoft Windows-based computers for the purpose of launching a DDoS against SCO. Microsoft is the bane of Linux. SCO has drawn the ire of Linux fanatics. Use your enemy against your other enemy. Also, that this virus is huge shows that people will click on…

  • Sun Tzu would be proud. This latest computer worm, MyDoom (aka Novarg or Shimgapi or MiMail.R) infects Microsoft Windows-based computers for the purpose of launching a DDoS against SCO. Microsoft is the bane of Linux. SCO has drawn the ire of Linux fanatics. Use your enemy against your other enemy. Also, that this virus is huge…