Category: from Xanga

  • Does privacy == anonyminity? How does pseudonimity play? Somehow, I don’t think legislatures will conceive the difference. In order to make people accountable, they will strip away privacy rights in order to get at people. This is the kind of paranoia that makes for good movies… just not by Tony Scott and Jerry Bruckheimer.

  • Lots of people hate the idea of jobs being sent abroad. Understand it completely. This outsourcing movement even makes my higher education job not nearly as secure in that even universities outsource their Information Technology needs. “Democrats, led by Connecticut’s Christopher Dodd, moved to add an amendment to the legislation prohibiting federal contractors from moving…

  • Warning: Blogs Can Be Infectious  Bloggers are plagarists? “[R]esearchers have discovered that authors of popular blog sites regularly borrow topics from lesser-known bloggers — and they often do so without attribution.” Here are several people linking to this article: BlogPulse

  • New photo…

  • Are you an ant?

  • Francis Perkins on Social Insurance (what ultimately became Social Security): It has taken the rapid industrialization of the last few decades, with its mass-production methods, to teach us that a man might become a victim of circumstances far beyond his control, and finally it “took a depression to dramatize for us the appalling insecurity of the…

  • Yesterday was a good test of electronic voting. Georgia, California, and Maryland all use electronic kiosk touchscreen voting systems. Of course, there were problems making the electronic voting work. Not that punch-card or paper balloting do not run into the occasional problems. MORE 5:20 PM:  A blog (more or less) from a computer science faculty member strongly opposed…

  • Chicxulub

    It wasn’t the Chicxulub asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. It was 3 asteroids + excessive volacanism. Heard on the radio Gerta is bunk because her methodology is flawed. So, I am thinking that while some doubted an asteroid impact could have killed off the dinosaurs, this new theory will also be doubted. <sarcasm>Anyway, all that is…

  • Yesterday was a good test of electronic voting. Georgia, California, and Maryland all use electronic kiosk touchscreen voting systems. Of course, there were problems making the electronic voting work. Not that punch-card or paper balloting do not run into the occasional problems. MORE 5:20 PM:  A blog (more or less) from a computer science faculty member…