Ugh. CD sales are up. I can see the RIAA taking this as a sign that letigation does work. MORE 4/14: MPAA snagged a pirate.
The new Batmobile for Batman Begins? Are they serious? page link
I am still following the electronic voting rumblings. The latest? VoteHere released the source code for their software which is used by SeQuoia. Interesting move. Even better is the warm fuzzy they propose to allow people to check whether they voted for whom they think they voted. Some lawmakers are insisting on paper ballots. However,…
Think you know me? Try your luck..
Camera phones are not not so bad. Dvorack’s editorial on camera phones lacks a look at the convenience of having a camera so handy. Taking pictures becomes easier so that at something is taken. Setting up a camera in order to take pictures of the world around me often means I miss what I wished…
Google has a true knack for generating speculation and consternation. A rather impressive feat. The latest of course is Gmail, the 1GB of email storage they will provide. Searchable of course using Google search technology. Some speculate this is not feasible. Other, of cousre, speculate how Gmail might come to be. Those like me are…
U.S. Banks eye offshoring. My medical charts get to people in Pakistan. My technical support calls go to India. My bank transactions will go to…. who knows. Is there a job safe from offshoring? Flipping burgers, maybe…
Want your kid to get a good tech job? Encourage them to play video games! Si1y Wabitt! L337 i5 4 g33k5! Instead of using the TV to babysit me, my parents let me play on the Commodore 64 and Atari. No need to worry about me, I was happy killing asteroids or tanks for hours…
Boy am I dense… just noticed I had taken off the email from below the profile pic. Also, there are options for lots of IM clients.