The new Google bomb? “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. Put that in Google. We likes weapons of mass destruction.
The Federal Trade Commission will come after you should consumers complain about their identifying information getting taken by hackers. Note, no credit card info was exposed. So consumers lost their anonyminity for shopping on the Tower Records web site. Big deal! Who cares? It is like holding the bricks-and-mortar Tower Records store legally liable for…
Awesome. Brits practically give away their passwords. A particular weakness is for chocolate. At least it is a good weakness. Does this sound right? I think it does: Home users with broadband net connections who have their machine turned into a spam relay by a virus will only care if their browsing speed drops significantly…
Woman go into the hospital for surgery. Some time later, an X-Ray shows a pair of scissors left in her abdomen. Ow!?!? Apparently companies trust their employees not to surf bad stuff. Every couple months a company calls about selling us filtering software. We are hesistant to just implement it. First, I would like there to…
Two cell phones check each other out, find that the person who owns the phone matches what their owner wants, and each alerts the owner. Serendipity? Apparently so. Let Serendipity help you turn the strangers around you into friends. Of all the uses of a cell phone (taking covert pictures notwithstanding), this seems the most…
The average computer has 28 adware or spyware “infestations”? From my experience, this sounds a bit low. The most I have found on someone’s computer was about 90. Typically, I find between 40 and 60 on a computer. Maybe Eartlink users are more savvy?
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s plane was found. Do vaguely remember the Little Prince books. Of course, I remember the TV show much better.
Learning to do basic math skills with a calculator does probably reduce the amount of time needed to get to higher math skills. Howevr, it probably also makes people more dependent on having access to calculators. Probably I am not the typical person, but when I need to crunch numbers in my head I wish…
Patches! Get your patches! Oops. MS is down!