Category: from Xanga

  • I can live with 3…  whoohoo!! No, really.

  • Wow… only 2 people have missed me. That sux…

  • Do you miss me?

  • The Chinese have the first compound machines about which we know. Now, we just have to wait for the articles about how they spread across Asia into Africa, Europe, and North America. A DNA bank for endangered plants sounds like a wonderful idea. Collecting the species of the rainforest for posterity seems like something out…

  • Atlantis is always sooo popular. Maybe just in geeky conspiracy circles. Well, add Cadiz, Spain to the list Atlantis possible locations. It fits most of the parameters with which I am familar. However, there are hundreds if not thousands of other sites which might as well.

  • Gotta luv free email. Guess with anything these days come the indemnity clauses. “Oops. We lost all your stuff. Sorry.” No amount of legal jargon can make me feel better that my stuff is gone. Personally, I don’t understand why customers don’t understand that stuff happens that is beyond the control of the companies. I…

  • Too funny… [22:30] OE: Perhaps.  something that will never be known.[22:31] sneezy: trust me… my instincts are always wrong Too, too funny.

  • More interns?

  • Everyone marks their emails as urgent. So many so that “!”s next to emails are essentially the same as everything else. Those without the “!” are the ones that stand out. Maybe I should read those first?