Man stabbed in line to buy GTA4
According to Dr Eichele of Norway and Dr Stefan Debener of the UK, when the brain switches to autopilot is when we are likely to start making mistakes. The brain economizes by shifting electrical activity from the prefrontal cortex (attention) to the default mode network. I can’t want for them to figure out brains which…
Judge Clarence Thomas is the perfect choice to speak at UGA’s graduation. He is from Georgia. He has a unique view of national coverage for sexual harassment scandals. So Judge Thomas shows it is possible for stupid scandals of the past to net awesome book deals.
Saw this at chatnoir782 and thought I would give it a shot…. Go to and look up 10 of your favorite movies. Post three official IMDB “Plot Keywords” for these 10 picks. Have your friends guess the movie titles. Here is the keyword list: Little People, Self Discovery, Sword And Sorcery – Willow xochitl…
Crested Dwarf Iris, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Posted 15 photographs I took today practicing the tips from the Digital Plant Photography class by Hugh and Carol Nourse at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. Would you say it has helped any?
Smelling a Picture, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Cats have a superior olfactory sense compared to us lowly homo sapiens. Tom, knowing the camera thing flashes leaned forward to sniff the camera only to get flashed right in his face. Any wonder why he digs his claws into me?
A person intending to rob a convenience store filled out a job application while waiting for the store to clear of other customers. A good idea, assuming the potential robber does not give his real name and phone number of someone who knows him. This is exactly what the police say he did. Ouch. The…
Heston died today at 84 years old.
When I first started in IT at Valdosta State, my boss had The AWK Programming Language. My initial dabbling with awk was based on the guidance of this book. I am impressed Amazon has the book in stock. I am impressed the sale price is over $70 (3 pages / $1 while typical is >10…