An author who did a session at a conference some time ago asked me to take down 3 photos of him. I did. I just don’t like that I did. I thought about making them Friends & Family so he could not see it. I thought about replacing them with “Removed at the request of…
This guy claims to have a video of an alien looking through a window. If NASA does find life on Mars, then would anyone believe it?
Man stabbed in line to buy GTA4
What is your definition of cheating? Using duplicitous behavior for one’s own benefit. Read and post comments | Send to a friend
The Earth is an amazing place.
A person intending to rob a convenience store filled out a job application while waiting for the store to clear of other customers. A good idea, assuming the potential robber does not give his real name and phone number of someone who knows him. This is exactly what the police say he did. Ouch. The…
Heston died today at 84 years old.
Are you less violent than a third grader? Probably so.