Category: Paper / Board Games

  • My grandmother loved games. She and I and others would play all the time. If she was bored, then her go to way to break the lull was “How about we play a game?” I inherited most of her games. My dining room has a shelf full of them. They include the inheritance, a few…

  • And mother at Rummikub. Of course, Mom beat me 3:2. 🙁 I am used to winning 4:1 except against William (2:5). tag: games, Rummikub, family

  • What is your favorite board game? Submitted by I’m Unique. A strong temptation is to put Dungeons and Dragons which is not really a board game so much as a role-playing game (hint it has dice but no board and tons of paper). So I’ll put Greyhawk Wars, a board game related to the D&D…

  • Realized while playing Warcraft that I play it like I play Risk. My usual strategy is to design a protective area where my forces can quickly react to threats. Once that is established, I will amass my forces to strike. My attack strategy is to cut the enemy’s supply line. When the enemy cannot amass…

  • Maybe we are playing AD&D 2nd ed. today, maybe not. Still, going to be prepared for it. Going to Tally tomorrow. Will suck it up and buy a Zip 250 drive so I can again use my disks. I was planning on waiting until I get closer to buying a new computer, but that keeps…

  • Got woken up at 2am to a knock. “Did you let Winnie in?” How in the hell did she come 3 miles across town… “No!?!” “Oh.” Left my room and asked, “Winnie or Abbey? I did let Abbey in” “I did ask Winnie, didn’t I?” Had a strange dream last night. I was a police…

  • Ran into Dee yesterday. Okay, so she looks a lot more sophisticated now than she did back in high school. She instantly recognized me, but couldn’t remember my name. Then again that was… 11 years ago? Just to be fair, here is my senior picture from the same site. Is this validation to my Lawful Good alignment?…

  • So here I am… still here in Valdosta… Could be away for the weekend, but I stayed to help out with some family emergencies that cropped up mid-week. I feel good cause I got to help. Also feel bad cause I had to cancel plans. Here I am with errands to to run in a…

  • My new favorite site: – – – – – I miss D&D… *sigh* – – – – – Interesting site called Stor:Troopers… one can make an avatar of oneself… like so…