Category: Computers

  • Our new leather chairs are almost here. Okay, so we are geeky. They have more options and adjustments than a calculator. Can you tell I am excited?!?! Whipped up another web page on the President Bailey’s retirement. This one is about how he is not going anywhere until the presidential search concludes. This is just disturbing… If…

  • Wonder who will be “the next big thing” in online Music? Napster is dead. I’ve heard good things about AudioGalaxy and iMesh. I’ve had some good experiences with Morpheus. Maybe there are just too many options? You almost have to have your finger on the pulse of the activity in order to find the good stuff. Back when Napster…

  • CDR


    The CD Writer hardware is there, just need to decide on which CD Authoring software… Nero, maybe? Boss wants us to start keeping logs of what we do. Maybe an online DB? 🙂 Time to go home soon. Relax… kick back… Okay, so I will get online tomorrow and Sunday too… I am an addict!…

  • Got the Zip drive working at home. Now maybe I should look to get some network cards and an ethernet cable… could get both my 233 and my 66 connected and transfer files. Probably something I should do before wiping either machine? At work I should install the SCSI card and the CDR. Then I…

  • Smarterchild


    This story sounds really familiar. Almost too familiar really. It is satire, but what makes great satire is the grounding in reality, right? Hey, does that mean I learned some from Mrs. Ray? Dammit! – – – – – DO you know Smarterchild? A pretty simple A.I. for AOL Instant Messengers…

  • This program, Microsoft Office Filter 2000, does not want to install on my computer. Could there be a conflict between it and Windows 2000? Say it ain’t so! Nevermind… figured it out… registry problem from 2 weeks ago was the culprit. I had the wrong KIND of double quotes. Figures.

  • Graduate Catalog is up. Now for Undergraduate Catalog update, Evening Program updates, and some PHP research. – – – – – Auuuggghghhhh!!! Ran across a guestbook where all they talked about was the author’s period?!?? – – – – – Damn… thought this virus was pretty much stamped out!?! Just got one. Today, Snowhite was turning 18.…

  • Spent yesterday home sick. Guess I did too much Saturday… enough that I completely crashed Sunday and was still weak Monday. Was able to come in to work this morning. – – – – – Getting my radiator fixed… hopefully means that my car will be condition to go on some road trips. – –…

  • Lovely… MSN Messenger is still down. Seems that Microsoft had problems with hardware so people were up and down. It is my turn to be down. Thankfully I have other IMs on which I can rely… AIM and ICQ being the most reliable IMs. Backing up all my data off my work computer in order…