Category: Computers

  • Back in the early days of spam, I did try replying to a few, but I never got anything like this. Suspicious emails: unclaimed insurance bonds, diamond-encrusted safe deposit boxes, close friends marooned in a foreign country. They pop up in our inboxes, and standard procedure is to delete on sight. But what happens when…

  • Phishing

    Over a month ago, I received a creative phishing attempt. We use a relatively popular service which is mimicked fairly well. I typically receive notification emails from it by an administrative assistant. This came from another name. That was my only real clue that made me look closer. Since, I have received almost a dozen,…

  • Discovered this blog was showing: Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute. Any time it upgrades, this gets thrown up during the process. However, it goes away once the process is completed. It showing is not an error so much as a notification and should as it says go away in a…

  • This is essentially the issue of the Friends of Friends post. In this case, I am not really interested in expanding the audience. Say I publish a friends only post. Victor, my friend, makes a comment tagging Roberta, not my friend, and asks a question directed at her. She is not notified about the tag.…

  • Search Standard

    The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) worked together to create standards for the technology that powers web sites. Acronyms dear to my heart like CSS, HTML, and HTTP came from their defining how web browsers and web servers should behave in various situations. It made the Web a better place. Every time I find myself…

  • Confuzzled Exchange

    I check accounts from two different Exchange domains with Outlook. Check might be a bit of an overstatement for one as it is maybe once a month and more like every couple. Both require me to periodically change the passwords. And both send daily email warnings leading up to the deadline. Because I might miss…

  • The CEO of Basecamp wrote about his definition of “hard work” being the work others do not want to do like construction, farming, cleaning, etc. Manual labor is hard. Six years ago, Georgia made a law making it easier for law enforcement to catch undocumented residents. People left the state. They experimented with… … Out of…

  • Sometimes I want to leave a comment but not actually enter the Facebook conversation. For that, I want a “Facebook Troll” comment browser extension. The idea is that it could allow me to post the comment and automatically turn off notifications for that post. Pretty sure replies would still notify me. Ironically enough, the same…

  • I tend to collect things to read later. Pocket is where they aggregate. (I do use Facebook’s Save Post feature, but only when on my phone to send to Pocket once I am at a browser.) A feature that would help me is to pin important ones to the top. Ideally, anything I have partially…