Took a look at my personal site‘s logs. Looks like I have 0.01% of 1 month’s data quota in serving stuff off of it in the 6 months I have had it. How lame? Of course, it does not exactly get a whole lot of traffic.
We knew this would happen sometime. The Internet reached its peak in 1999. Survey: Internet shrinks as domain numbers fall. Fewer domains were registered than not renewed. Guard-IE handles cookies, web bugs, pop-ups, and their ilk. Very innobtrusive. Think I could actually buy this one.
It seems that it is snowing outside. At least the South Georgia definition of snowing. The ground is too warm for it to stick… 🙁 Back in 7th grade it snowed like this and we got out of school. Somehow I doubt we will get out of work. Of course that day after school I…
Oh… forgot to mention that I made a few web pages for my personal web site. I plan on moving all the stuff like that off my work web site. Very nice spam… Please contact our office at 1-870-xxx-xxxx and set up another time. Thank you, Axxxxx Bxxx, Office Manager This was to no specified recipient…
Got a suit, a 20 GB hard drive, and couple history books on our trip down to Tally today. Resisted spending a lot of money. Got a great break on the suit. Apparently Ultra ATA and ATAPI are not compatible. Hopefully I can acquire an adapter. I got A History Of The Arab Peoples and…
Woke up early this morning. Maybe it was because I didn’t do squat this yesterday? I think it was. Came up to the university to check my email, but SSH on Galileo5 seems to be mapped to execute the AOL install. Think the people who install this stuff are one step ahead of the staff…
Don’t know what the ultimate solution was to the NFS server problem, but it is fixed. Everyone is happy, I guess. Someone was scanning for legitimate logins to our web server. They sent 12,559 connections and may have gotten maybe 48 successful. I’ve got a script to let me know when they come back. Watch…
Something was changed on the NFS server. Now all the ones that depend upon getting critical data of it are screwed. That includes my server at the moment.
My Sun workstation died. Probably a motherboard failure. It is an old machine (means out of warranty). I will have to find another plaform to test the student voting system we had located. More Badtrans and Sircam viruses hitting my inbox. I even got a Snow White virus. Nice to know I am such a…