Anyone want to be a cyborg? Yeah, it is only a chip at this stage, but they can measure impulses through the nerve directly. Which means you can correlate the behavior to actions directly. This impulse has these properties and caused this behavior. Repeat for each impulse. Then you can say after time, this kind of…
Windows XP sux. I like Windows 2000 better. Much better. One of the things that annoys me is how IE6 behaves. When I click on a link, the text on that line becomes smaller. Huh? Why? Think I am going to phase out this blog site. Maybe make it my backup for my Xanga site. Anyway,…
I like Mozilla. Found Blogzilla, a blog by one of the developers. He had all kinds of tricks. My favorite is the ability to reject pictures from known advertisers. With the right click menu I can add to this list.
Why buy a PDA which can play MP3s when you can buy an iPod and make the iPod behave like a PDA? (Wired) Up your security. Web surfers brace for pop-up downloads(CNET) Got an ex you want to trash in front of the whole world? exso is for you… Want to know how nerds stay skinny? The Nerd Gym!!…
An Unfair opt-out policy makes strike 2 for Yahoo. Actually, I would like to count removing the free POP email access as 3 strikes. If they had asked would I be willing to pay for POPping my email, then they would have learned that am I not. No one I have discussed this with seems…
Why is it that every time I turn around these online advertisers have yet another trick up their sleeves?
Going to install FreeBSD and some flavor of Linux on a workstation. Fun! This is to attempt to get closer to the environment in which this project I am working on was originally developed.
“By attempting to protect ourselves from viruses we are preventing the realization of artificial intelligence. So we should open all of our ports and remove the logins.” — J This was sarcasm, I think. I did find it very amusing.
This is newly posted in my work web site’s guest book. “Guest book spammers whose message contains any form of advertisement for a web site I deem to be commercial will find the entry deleted at MY convenience.” Sorry… I don’t like being spammed. I get close to a thousand emails a day. I consider spam…