Category: Computers

  • There are people I know and people I think I know via a few routes of 3-4 degrees of separation but am not really sure. So I think I recognize them and can think of why I should recognize them. Then again maybe I am just experiencing early symptoms of dementia and losing the logical facilities of my…

  • Had a close call with Nimda… went to a web page for server which was infected. It tried to download. Think I stopped it, but I am scanning my machine anyway.

  • Tech News: I’ve said it often enough… students are hackers in sheep’s clothing. This true too… “the majority of academic networks are tempting targets for hackers because of their lack of security, abundance of bandwidth and overworked administrators.”University systems a haven for hackers – Tech News – World News: Don’t approach a U.S. Navy…

  • Seems like Xanga is limping along at the moment. In an effort to further complicate my bloggings… news here. Real rants over there. Tech News: Found this by following an article on Slashdot. Thinking this would be good to implement. How to Defeat Bad Web Robots With Apache Only has experimental Apache 2.0 support. Maybe 4.2.1 will fix…

  • My Apache web server died this morning. Attempted a routine little fix which turned into a hell I could not troubleshoot. Ended up compiling a new Apache install without the extras as a stop gap measure. Will have to build a more permanent one and have a second in place in which to cut over…

  • Segmentation Faults sux!!

  • We knew this would happen again, right? Anniversary of the plane landing in China… Remember? Back last April? C’mon people… – Report: CIA warns of Chinese cyberattack preparations Be afraid. Be very afraid. I get 20+ of these a day since Friday. – Klez Worm Continues to Spread Think you got a virus? – Internet…

  • Get to work on a Saturday. Gotta love firewalls. They block what ever they are configured to intercept… such as TTF files attached to emails. Anyone getting 20 copies a day of the Klez worms? I base my popularity on how many viruses I get from people. Since some of the recent ones like Magistr,…

  • Kinda thinking about this post by Vixenz. I wonder why the 7 wonders of the modern world (the 1918 one) went away from landmarks? I agree that some inventions are much more significant than any ole landmark, but I think landmarks deserve their own list. Saw a show on plans to build an arcology-like structure in Hong Kong Bay. This…