Category: Computers

  • Tech Good. These software vendors bitch when someone announces a vulnerability. When they are given prior notice about the vulnerability they drag their feet. I would give vendors a chance and just announce vulnerabilities for vendors that obviously drag their feet like Microsoft. Patch or No, Flaws to Go Public No patch for Windows 98 or…

  • Companies which insinuate someone has a crush on you are evil. The bastards should be taken out like last year’s garbage. It saddens me that people cannot tell the difference between a hoax and the real deal. Maybe I’ve been around too many intelligent people all my life? I’ve come to expect too much of…

  • Internet: Scammers are out to con ya. Always be en garde! Just to let ya know, the numbers of one are up. Nigerian scam spam on the rise  

  • On a browser downloading spree… just snagged Opera. Next is Netscape 7. Any others I should grab? I already use IE 6, Netscape 4.79, and Mozilla 0.9.x. Tiny update… 24 MB download with some stuffturned off. Ouch! Thought I told it NOT to install RealPlayer? WTF? Why did it install? Have to uninstall RealOne AGAIN…

  • Gotta love it… was uploading a 12 MB file when the network connection stopped on me. Hope it was not me with my 225 kbps connection! Not like I really was looking forward to installing a new compiler since the one I have appears to be really sad. It is amazing I get anything done.…

  • Got another project. Setting up a web server with database for the Physics; deptartment. This will be for showing fossils. It will include pictures (maybe VR rotating images later) and descriptions. Sounds like an impressive site. Got to see the planned entry. Imagine button images of the various periods. Click on the button and you see…

  • My achievement of the day… Haxored a Java-based GUI with a C-based backend to capture and store images from a webcam for display on the web. That last post was pretty geeky, wasn’t it?

  • Oooooohhhh… PS 2 down to $200. Sweet! Sony slashes Playstation 2 price Built another web server (Apache + SSL + PHP + MySQL)yesterday. Finishing the configurations and testing this morning. Once I have it finished, then I will build an identical one on the same server in order to have a quick fail-over available. UPDATE 2011-APR-17: LAMP = Linux…

  • Showers are particularly problematic for me because sometimes I will get lost in thinking something through. It will haunt me for days. Saturday morning I started thinking on why computers are so difficult for people to learn. It hit me that just enough unexplained behaviors occur. Once one considers all of the factors that go…