“These Aren’t the Chocolates You’re Looking For”
I am not sure many of us take our personal security strongly enough. Nick Bradbury recently mentioned he had lied about being out of town in a previous entry. I say kudos!! There are too many cases where I see people put in their blogs when they will be out of town. In most of…
Okay, there are now officially too many blogs when fictional characters have blogs. Case in point, the GEICO Gecko.
Playing online Halo PC is not really fun when there are superb (professional quality) players at a game and make sure everyone else knows they can beat you at whim. I played on a server last weekend where one side was a clan. The other side on which I ended up player were obviously not…
Online etiquette, aka netiquette, has always been a touchy topic. Thankfully, there are lots of resources out there for people who are interested in learning about how to properly behave online such as NetManners.com. Now, how to tactfully tell people face-to-face they should consult such resources? 🙂
Even though I have blogs at LJ, Xanga, MySpace, and Friendster, I had to try to ressucitate my old main blog for Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric.
Robert Orben – “To err is human–and to blame it on a computer is even more so.”
Since so many academically minded individuals read this blog, I thought some of you might be interested in this web service called CiteULike. The idea is to bookmark the academic journal articles you visit and get the reference information more easily. Having gotten out of the academic research game, I really do not know whether…