Category: Computers

  • This Optimus keyboard looks tight. Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment. Perfect for those people who need to look at the keyboard! It has a Sun keyboard style of a block of 10 keys on the left. Very nice.

  • “We are not afraid….but we have no problem with making money out of those who are”, originally uploaded by megpickard. *sigh* Materialism and capitalism at their best….

  • Only recently have I come to accept toolbars as something quasi useful. Previously, the trouble they caused more than outweighed the benefits. A web page on how Google works has me considering recommending the installation of the Google toolbar on all local computers (~3,000) with seeded bookmarks, cache, and temporary files for our web sites.…

  • The lesson here is that innovation doesn’t always mean starting from scratch. For Nokia, and Apple, open source isn’t an end in itself. It’s a beginning — one that allows these companies to concentrate on what they do best: delivering great products. Ask yourself whether your company is focused on doing the same. Are you…

  • Bloggers Need Not Apply delves into a search committee’s use of personal web sites and blogs to scare them away from hiring candidates.

  • Forethought

    Technologies are not well thought out. Podcasters host MP3s on a web site. So any time a listener grabs it, they download it from the web site. In the case of someone with a limited bandwidth hosting plan, it is very possible for the bandwidth to be exceeded. Events like a major software provider (iTunes)…

  • Sniff Tests

    As Dvorak points out, BitTorrent is the largest single protocol. The Web’s HTTP barely counts compared to BitTorrent and the other P2P protocols. That’s a heck of a lot of traffic—as any network administrator knows—and having it increased with crapware is not good news. In addition, some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs don’t look at Torrents…

  • Country: United States City: Columbus, GA Citation: Sec. 14-34. Idiots, etc.; teasing, harassing. It shall be unlawful and disorderly conduct for any person to tease or harass, either by words, signs or acts, on the streets or public places in the city any simple minded, idiotic, or crazy person, or any cripple, or other unfortunate…

  • The Electronic Freedom Foundation has a number of very useful resources. They fight for the freedom of people to express their freedom of speech on the Internet. Their Legal Guide for Bloggers looks to have some pretty good information. For example, I have been reading on The Bloggers’ FAQ on Online Defamation Law which seems…