Looking at the HTML for this web site makes my head hurt. Don’t save your web site in Internet Explorer. EVER!! 🙁 Actually, it is my personal opinion that everyone should be able to read the HTML for the web pages they create.
I would be willing to bet these police computers are using 802.11 MHz of 2.4, the same frequency that 802.11b and 802.11a use. I heard recently police can use 4.9MHz. Maybe the Keene IT guys don’t know? Police Computers Clash With Dunkin’ Donuts System For Keene, New Hampshire police officers, getting through the drive-through at…
What about the customers? Companies all too often play chicken. It is the consumers who get screwed. A few years ago, a Sun vs. Microsoft disagreement meant no adequate Java Runtime Environment for the brand new Windows XP personal computers for months. Developers for online classes often tap Java for mini-applications (HTML editors, chat, file…
How do YOU die? Okay, so here’s the deal, find out how you end your life, the google way. Go to google, type “(your first name) was killed by” and see what the end of life holds in store for you. Remember to use the quotations marks, else it wont work. Mine: “ Ezra was…
Jeff is thinking about project management, feature/bug tracking, all-in-one. Me too. Though for right now, I would rather just get ticket management over email under control.
Not good… Finnish security expert Harri Hursti, together with Black Box Voting, demonstrated that Diebold made misrepresentations to Secretaries of State across the nation when Diebold claimed votes could not be changed on the “memory card” (the credit-card-sized ballot box used by computerized voting machines. A test election was run in Leon County on Tuesday…
Yahoo! Music Mac Dis, originally uploaded by Michael Ferguson. Wow…. One has to go back to NN4.7 to view this site on a Mac? That is going all the back to 2002. How lame….
This is an article a former coworker, Bernie Gunder, helped me write for Focus On, a guest topic section of Portico, a Valdosta State University paper. A Blogosphere Ecology My name is Ezra Freelove, ‘99, and I’m a 29-year-old self-professed computer geek and technology professional who spends more hours in front of a computer than…
You can easily blog interesting web content with Flock, in just a few clicks. Example: 1. Highlight a passage on a web page that you would like to blog about. 2. Right-click that selection and choose Blog This. 3. The blog editor opens with that selection already inserted. Not only that, the selection is properly…