Category: Computers

  • “Quick Start”

    When I think of a quick start guide, I am expecting a 1-2 page short and simple this is what you need to do get going. A 20 page quick start guide is going to take an hour to pore through. So… not so quick. 🙁

  • This was originally posted to techsupport

  • “Time wounds all heals.” “THAT is a gross oversimplification.”

  • HAL 10

    » Microsoft confirms Vista Speech Recognition remote execution flaw | George Ou | I heard back from the folks at the MSRC, and they let me know that Microsoft is investigating public reports of a possible vulnerability in Windows Vista’s speech recognition feature. Microsoft’s initial investigation reveals that this vulnerability could allow an attacker…

  • The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog: A Computer Program Wins Its First Scrabble Tournament When Deep Blue first defeated chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov, the computer program’s victory was hailed as a watershed moment for artificial intelligence, and rightfully so. But in November, another program reached a gaming milestone of its own, and no one seemed to…

  • Microsoft Windows is a pain to diagnose. However, Run has many of the tools to determine issues. Someone at Microsoft hates it. Can someone tell me why? Finding Run has gotten more and more difficult over time. Now in Vista they hide it by default. 🙁 Where’s the “Run” dialog box in Windows Vista? »…

  • DBA: Some of you use stage in all lower case, some in all upper case, and some in mixed case. You have to all use one naming convention. The way you have written this, its not going to work. Programmer: That is why I am here. I need you to fix their stuff so it…

  • Early in the history of the WWW, people thought a document which did not have an inbound link, a link from some external location to the file, was private. Search engines looked for content on web sites in locations for which there was not a link already pointing. To truly respect the privacy of those…

  • Ready to Switch?

    I was disappointed the only IE competitor mentioned was Firefox. Opera, Safari, and Netscape are well known enough that it would behoove a more balanced view to mention them as well. My only use of IE lately is replicating a user problem I can’t replicate in Firefox and the very, very infrequent case a web…