This is more or less for the next time I lose all my brain cells from not working over the weekend…. Critical Oracle variables: ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID Pretty much any script that deals with Oracle needs the value of these. Cron doesn’t have these variables, so use export VARIABLE to provide them to the shell. Also,…
One of my co-workers says about tracking, “One of the big selling points to [Blackboard] Vista is the wealth of tracking data for auditing, grade challenges, and catching cheaters.” Certainly, Reports and Tracking in Blackboard’s Vista 3 is one of the more favorite tools. So making sure the data gets there is critically important. The…
Scott Schamp is teaching at UGA using Second Life. This is from his blog. But last Friday, I found myself saying things I never thought I would have to say. “Please don’t sit on the fountain during class. Don’t forget that everyone needs to wear clothes the next time we meet. And, please, try and…
So, you are a teaching an online class. Students cheating naturally is a concern. How does one prevent them from stealing answers? Code in the online class system? Unfortunately, the makers of the learning management systems lag behind the creativity of cheaters. Plus, they can only control their systems. How do they enforce security in…
On the measure which pulls from the Who’s Online table, we hit ~9,970 today at the peak. It was over 9,000 from 11am to 7pm. Its been a busy day! I had expected a second peak today at around 8pm. It doesn’t look like we are going to get it.
Since you readers seem not to comment much, I took it upon myself to check on you by other means. 😀 More of my visitors come from Washington, DC, than any other US locale. Interesting…. All of them are from a certain publicly traded company. \Why would I be surprised, considering I mentioned them and…
I posted a quote about insanity yesterday. I first saw the quote with “computer science” replacing insanity. Its hyperbole to be sure. There is a measure of truth. Out of 18 installs, on average 3 had bad installs. Using the exact same install method (which doesn’t have a human involved, completely scripted) again, a good…