Category: Computers

  • I’ve seen several friends post the new variant of the notice saying that in order to have privacy, you have to post the note that does not give Facebook permission to use your photos or status updates. Here is the thing. Taking away that permission makes Facebook unusable as no one can see them even…

  • A legitimate message expressing concern about your impersonation account would: Ask if you created another account. Provide the address to the new account so you can go to the profile, click the three dots on the cover photo, select Report, and follow the instructions for impersonation. Instead, the hot hoax right now says: Hi….I actually…

  • Carrier Phish

    Got a phone call from my own cell phone to itself. That was pretty interesting the first time, but I declined the call because I was certainly not calling myself. A day later, I got another call. This one I answered. It was an interesting call informing me my account with the cellphone carrier was…

  • Got an email from saying, Dear Ezra, Alessandra Carneiro uploaded a PDF that mentions the name “Ezra Freelove”. They have a premium service where you can buy access to mentions of your name. I know of only one mention in a VSU paper as a thank you for my work there in IT in…

  • I’ve been futzing for what feels like a year with the WiFi trying out various things. Basically, instead of the wife turning off all the WiFi and none of us having it, I’ve been playing with a few things to bring some sanity. The first approach was the wife disconnected the wifi router. That meant…

  • Dear Twitter


    The “Recent Tweets” feature ought not suggest to me tweets I have already hearted. You are suggesting it because you think I will like it. Which is true because I already did. kthxbai, Ezra

  • We can download our Google+ content using Google Takeout. Probably because of Europe’s GDPR, we have the option of downloading all of our data. The Google+ stuff are the items marked +1s or starting with “Google+ …”

  • I Miss Google Reader

    The Google+ shut down reminded me that I still miss Google Reader. Google also shut it down about 5 years ago. I use Inoreader now, but I do not spend nearly the amount of time reading through it that I did GR. I could spend hours a day browsing through articles and mulling the content.…

  • Buh Bye Google+

    After a security lapse with the now dashed hopes for a Facebook killer social media site in Google+, it is now going to be shut down for most users. They apparently want to keep it around as a competitor to Slack? LOLz. Google says Google+ currently has “low usage and engagement” and that 90 percent…