Category: Computers

  • For a while I have meant to do this. Here I am with insomnia, so here goes… I have implemented Gravatars for the this Blue Zinfindel theme. Here is coding I used to implement it to this theme’s comments.php (WP Design > Theme Editor > Comments). Normal text is for context. Bold is what I…

  • Lazy


    Wholy smoke I just got a bajillion whiny emails saying I have not updated this since the 9th… You would not believe I spend all my time in front of a computer. But I’m sorry you’ll just have to take my word for it.. I am lost in a sea of pseudo-olde-english with discovering time…

  • Problem: The “Restrict access after this date” function affects all students and auditors without individual exceptions. In reality, universities need to grant individual exceptions for Incomplete grades, grade challenges, or other special cases. Solution: A Section Instructor could select all the students except the one who needs access and Deny access to them. Then the…

  • I have a habit of not typing the protocol (http:// or https://) when typing an URL. Except, when I enter a port in the address line. I hit the Home key and add the protocol then. I am pretty sure I picked up this habit to work around a problem. I just tried not supplying…

  • It has been a hectic week. A recap… Java certificate fix – Yesterday, August 23rd, the certificate distributed in various Java applets expired. The community discovered the issue and informed Blackboard who put out a fix for the more current products on August 15th. Many customers are leery of having such little lead time to…

  • A few weeks ago, NPR aired a piece where McCain and Obama advisors about technology expressed the policy intentions of each candidate. Also, Obama was described as being a Crackberry addict. McCain was described as personally being technology illiterate, but he looked forward to someone showing him some web sites. So now, Google purports to…

  • A statement by a faculty member to the effect of, “There isn’t anything our IT people can do to resolve this problem. The web application is overloaded,” puts the people running the application on the defensive. The problem turned out to be resolved with changes to the local browser environment (remove all the installs of…

  • webctbackup

    John made a good point… While telling Blackboard about this is pointless, the community at large ought to be aware of another undocumented workspace issue. I found an 8GB .bak in the /u01/app/nodeA/weblogic81/webctbackup on the active JMS node. Taking out user accessible nodes is okay in my book as with 18-20 of them in our…