I was at lunch last week when I saw pages about a failed monitoring checks on one of our sites. My coworkers were working on CE/Vista SP6 upgrades. Though it was one upgraded yesterday. When I returned to the office, I asked about it. Exactly 24 hours to the second after checking the license in…
Humans make mistakes. Our clients’ administrators some times do very bad things without malicious intent. The “Deny Access” button is too close to the “Delete” one. About 160 student accounts were deleted. The hypothesis came to me that sections keep data when a student is removed. Maybe it keeps the data when a student’s account…
Working with our clients on LDAP configuration almost invariable starts with SSL certificates. Self-signed, intermediate, and take up a while. The two tools, openSSL and keytool have become my friends. Working with a network admin for the client, IÂ finally saw the legitimate certificate correctly signed by the intermediate certificate not the self-signed. This means I…
I am going through my software installed on my work computer in order to transfer to a new one. This came to my attention as something potentially relevant to others. A common problem we hear doing web-based learning management system is the web browser crashed before the user could submit a form. The complaints we…
If you are a CE/Vista admin, then you should probably be aware of $WLDOMAIN/serverconfs/HtmlSecurity.config. This file has the regex code for blocking inappropriate input by users to exploit forms. Say a student wants to write a mail message to another student with JavaScript to execute malicious code to hijack a session. One of the regexes…
(I will never use.) My name’s Vista. Can I crash at your place tonight? Noticed at geekpickuplines. Especially funny for me because the product I run is the Blackboard Learning Management System Vista Enterprise. We just call it “Vista”. (Yes, very confusing when Windows Vista users want to know the compatibility of Vista with Vista. The…
I love it when I run across a prediction about the time of the deadline. Jakob Nielsen made one on November 20, 2006 that computers will be 1/4th their current price of $379 in five years. Five years later is November 20, 2011. That is today! In areas like North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia’s advanced countries,…