Category: Computers

  • My jaw dropped at the end of this blog post Cloud Hosting and Academic Research. There is a value in keeping significant old systems around, even if they no longer have active user bases.  A cloud hosting model seems so right to me–it’s scalable and robust. It just makes sense. But the hosting costs are…

  • Everything is out there. From the most profound to the most mundane, whatever I need to know when I need to know it. Last week I set my DVR to record a series. I knew it was in re-runs and British. The DVR sucks in the sense it gives an original air date but not…

  • Facebook is a useful tool for gathering information about others. From the beginning, the advice has been to be careful that what is posted well represents us. Or… To limit who can see those things we might not want seen. Hiring managers also have a difficult situation. Is who you are looking to hire who…

  • No, a person cannot catch a computer virus. But, as more wireless technology is implanted in people, I can see worse things being done. Given an example was the exact model of a former vice president of the United State’s pacemaker, I can see the Secret Service going into fits figuring out how to prevent…

  • So many of my favorite sites languished then died because another company bought them. The Posterous acquistion by Twitter therefore is not good news. I would not place Posterous as my favorite blog platform. Given in a couple years it will be dead, I guess it never will be.

  • As we browse the Web, our browsers picks up cookies. Many sites will give our browser advertiser’s cookies. More importantly, the advertiser’s servers can look to see whether we have their cookies and where we obtained them. This is how they record our browsing habits. The more places they advertise, the better they are able…

  • In Real Life

    Context matters. The current environment is assumed, so other contexts must be specified. Online conversations eventually will reference, “In Real Life.” We have corporeal bodies. At least, that is the common sense, much like the world is flat, children are miniature adults, and males are only rational. What we sense is not the data, but…

  • Through the grapevine, a coworker heard in another organization a top administrator wants the rank and file to start blogging. My coworker was opposed. I thought it could be a cool way of internally communicating. Though the conditions to make it work very much depend on the organizational culture: Encouragement not forced. Managers are asked…

  • The EFF posted an article with screenshots on how to remove your Google web/search history. This is because their new privacy policy exposes what you have searched for in the past to your connections. They say to use the Remove all Web History button. Instead, I am using this as an opportunity to learn about…