Category: Computers

  • We implement software solutions to help us become more productive. These pieces of code allow us to do more through creating efficiencies. Bad software hinders our ability to do the work. Normally I would call this unproductive, but I had a weird thought fighting a human resources program this morning. Unproductive software is both disruptive and…

  • I work to integrate systems. So, when I learn about things, I guess my mind drifts into how would we use it. And then into how would tie together this with other things we have to make them better. Last week news dropped about Microsoft (MSFT) buying LinkedIn (LNKD). The big deal people seem to…

  • Doing a training thing for work next week. The training coordinator sent an email to 25 of us about how to access the learning portal. The username is email and password is a single word with an exclamation point. My first instinct was get in ASAP and change the password since so many other people…

  • In Gmail, the Google Hangouts icon showed I had a new message. If there is an indicator of something new, then I must clear it. Not an obsession or a compulsion, but it makes me uncomfortable to have unread things laying around. The conversation list only showed old items. There were a couple near the…

  • Received an email that looked phishy: Greetings, Please read this important e-mail carefully. Recently you registered, transferred or modified the contact information for the following domain name: In order to ensure your domain name remain active, you must now click the following link and follow the instructions provided. Sincerely, Domain Registrar The web…

  • I learned electronics as a kid by messing around with old radios that were easy to tamper with because they were designed to be fixed. Lee Felsesnsteinin The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution by Walter Isaacson The story I tell about how I ended up working in information…

  • Automation is here. When I was in college, for most of my time there, I thought Industrial-Organizational Psychology was my career path. It was not until my last semester when I started working as a student for IT that it all changed. Little did I know that people efficiency was dying. Automation, aka the efficiency…

  • Amazon heavily pushed their Kindle Unlimited product the past couple months. Basically, it is a Netflix for books kind of service where you can read whatever you want for $10 a month. With over a million titles, there should be plenty of titles I’d read. I was whining about the frequency of the same ad…

  • Fake clickbait like The Onion is good. ALWAYS click on The Onion. I don’t care if you dislike their fake news stories. I enjoy them. 🙂 The algorithms choose which stories we see. If you dislike what you see, then you need to change what you click. My Facebook feed? It is chock full of science,…