Kinda thinking about this post by Vixenz. I wonder why the 7 wonders of the modern world (the 1918 one) went away from landmarks? I agree that some inventions are much more significant than any ole landmark, but I think landmarks deserve their own list. Saw a show on plans to build an arcology-like structure in Hong Kong Bay. This…
Windows XP sux. I like Windows 2000 better. Much better. One of the things that annoys me is how IE6 behaves. When I click on a link, the text on that line becomes smaller. Huh? Why? Think I am going to phase out this blog site. Maybe make it my backup for my Xanga site. Anyway,…
Wooohoo! I am going to live to a ripe old age! I get about 5.5 hours of sleep a night… In case you didn’t know… 95% of the world are bad guys, cause bad guys use PCs, good guys use Macs! Or is that why the bad guys never win? Their computer crashed at a critical juncture…
Wow… just had to go out on a support call for something pretty old… Word Perfect 6.0b. It is what I used in middle and high school, but I got over in college. I moved on thankfully.
Maybe we are playing AD&D 2nd ed. today, maybe not. Still, going to be prepared for it. Going to Tally tomorrow. Will suck it up and buy a Zip 250 drive so I can again use my disks. I was planning on waiting until I get closer to buying a new computer, but that keeps…
Yes, IÂ KNOW that I should wait at least 2 weeks before installing a Microsoft update! Yes, I installed it anyway… Now I am backing up all my data so I can reinstall Windows. *sigh* Guess it means I have some time to do other things like work on that dbMan stuff? puh! Wondering if it…
It seems that it is snowing outside. At least the South Georgia definition of snowing. The ground is too warm for it to stick… Back in 7th grade it snowed like this and we got out of school. Somehow I doubt we will get out of work. Of course that day after school I…
Virus writers are evil. The latest, Nimda, is a really aggressive one. Look at some of the more successful viruses right now. SirCam, Magistr, Loveletter, and Hybris are all on Trend’s top 10 list. All, including Nimda spread by email. Also, like sAdmind (in the top 10) and CodeRed II, it hits Microsoft IIS servers. Like Bymer it hits unprotected network shares.…
Great day for computer security stories… a virus pretending to be a Microsoft patch Kazaa and Morpheus programs can reveal username and hostname more hacking into Hotmail Apache with SQL flaws smugglers caught transporting encryption devices to China (sooooo illegal). – – – – – Interesting… wonder if our students are targetted for identity theft? –…