Karlyn Morissette posted her Master Higher Ed Twitter List. Other than @eironae and @barbaranixon, I didn’t know anyone on the list. So I thought to post a list of higher education professionals I follow categorized by primary expertise. Blackboard twitterers might be another post. Those in bold are coworkers. College / University / Departments @atsu_its…
It drives me nuts to listen to 24-hour network news cover an important event such as the Mumbai attacks earlier. Give me facts. I got better information off the Twitter search for Mumbai than 30 minutes of CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC.
Summize provides a great way to troll for what people are saying. Beyond just searching for a term, it provides RSS feeds for terms. I follow several, such Blackboard and WebCT. The WebCT one netted me the following tweet: annoyed with how clunky webct can be at times – it had to have been designed…
Heh… I am now on Twitter.
Think everyone might be able to use this. Ever have someone post an acronym you can’t decipher? Something like “WYLABOCTGWTR”? Well, how about an Acronyms Dictionary? Preserved comments: fun stuff! 🙂 Posted 1/19/2004 10:18 AM by melally Sneeze, you are weird. most of the time its just as easy to say the whole phrase as it is…
Got a kick out of these emails. My favorite parts are bolded. Hey there, I’m nnnnnn. I got your email address from a friend and thought I’d get in touch. I’m kind of new to this whole thing, the internet and meeting people on the internet. I thought I’d tell you a little about myself,…
I push my computer very hard… Average around 500 emails a day. Usually have no less than 10 windows open after an hour of using it. Average probably 20 during most of the day. My average memory usage is 300 MB. I do try to avoid some performance hogs. For instance, I am not running…