It’s my party… and it will infect your computer! Update your anti-virus software. Still here? Go update it! Geek Hierachy… scary thing is I qualify or used to qualify for many of these… Comic book fans, video games, piers anthony fans, etc.Thankfully I am not a furry or (shudder) an erotic furry.
IE started acting goofy. Uninstalled Guard-IE and the problems disappeared. Probably it was in relation to the impending time to buy, but I didn’t care for the problem. Michelle is probably still at her father’s funeral. *sigh* Nice… people actually search for seychelles porn!?!?! The last 3 posts I have sent failed. Don’t care anymore. Come…
Oh… forgot to mention that I made a few web pages for my personal web site. I plan on moving all the stuff like that off my work web site. Very nice spam… Please contact our office at 1-870-xxx-xxxx and set up another time. Thank you, Axxxxx Bxxx, Office Manager This was to no specified recipient…
Don’t know what the ultimate solution was to the NFS server problem, but it is fixed. Everyone is happy, I guess. Someone was scanning for legitimate logins to our web server. They sent 12,559 connections and may have gotten maybe 48 successful. I’ve got a script to let me know when they come back. Watch…
My Sun workstation died. Probably a motherboard failure. It is an old machine (means out of warranty). I will have to find another plaform to test the student voting system we had located. More Badtrans and Sircam viruses hitting my inbox. I even got a Snow White virus. Nice to know I am such a…
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. Viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses. Sux to be me… 🙁
Got woken up at 2am to a knock. “Did you let Winnie in?” How in the hell did she come 3 miles across town… “No!?!” “Oh.” Left my room and asked, “Winnie or Abbey? I did let Abbey in” “I did ask Winnie, didn’t I?” Had a strange dream last night. I was a police…
Today is a good day. Avoided the Nimda virus Joe got. Installed Apache with Mod SSL and Open SSl without one hiccup.
Now I am getting french spam… Femmes, Hommes, Couples ` la sexualiti dibridie Yesterday was fun. Found that lots of people were hitting graphics on our web server through eBay web pages. A few people I might overlook, but these were thousands of hits from a bunch of auctions. Pulled out my haxor tricks to…