Category: Cybersecurity

  • It’s my party… and it will infect your computer! Update your anti-virus software. Still here? Go update it! Geek Hierachy… scary thing is I qualify or used to qualify for many of these… Comic book fans, video games, piers anthony fans, etc.Thankfully I am not a furry or (shudder) an erotic furry.  

  • IE started acting goofy. Uninstalled Guard-IE and the problems disappeared. Probably it was in relation to the impending time to buy, but I didn’t care for the problem. Michelle is probably still at her father’s funeral. *sigh* Nice… people actually search for seychelles porn!?!?! The last 3 posts I have sent failed. Don’t care anymore. Come…

  • Oh… forgot to mention that I made a few web pages for my personal web site. I plan on moving all the stuff like that off my work web site. Very nice spam… Please contact our office at 1-870-xxx-xxxx and set up another time. Thank you, Axxxxx Bxxx, Office Manager This was to no specified recipient…

  • Don’t know what the ultimate solution was to the NFS server problem, but it is fixed. Everyone is happy, I guess. Someone was scanning for legitimate logins to our web server. They sent 12,559 connections and may have gotten maybe 48 successful. I’ve got a script to let me know when they come back. Watch…

  • My Sun workstation died. Probably a motherboard failure. It is an old machine (means out of warranty). I will have to find another plaform to test the student voting system we had located. More Badtrans and Sircam viruses hitting my inbox. I even got a Snow White virus. Nice to know I am such a…

  • Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. Viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses. Sux to be me… 🙁

  • Got woken up at 2am to a knock. “Did you let Winnie in?” How in the hell did she come 3 miles across town… “No!?!” “Oh.” Left my room and asked, “Winnie or Abbey? I did let Abbey in” “I did ask Winnie, didn’t I?” Had a strange dream last night. I was a police…

  • Today is a good day. Avoided the Nimda virus Joe got. Installed Apache with Mod SSL and Open SSl without one hiccup.

  • Now I am getting french spam… Femmes, Hommes, Couples ` la sexualiti dibridie Yesterday was fun. Found that lots of people were hitting graphics on our web server through eBay web pages. A few people I might overlook, but these were thousands of hits from a bunch of auctions. Pulled out my haxor tricks to…