Category: Cybersecurity

  • Kinda thinking about this post by Vixenz. I wonder why the 7 wonders of the modern world (the 1918 one) went away from landmarks? I agree that some inventions are much more significant than any ole landmark, but I think landmarks deserve their own list. Saw a show on plans to build an arcology-like structure in Hong Kong Bay. This…

  • Nerd Gym


    Why buy a PDA which can play MP3s when you can buy an iPod and make the iPod behave like a PDA? (Wired) Up your security. Web surfers brace for pop-up downloads(CNET) Got an ex you want to trash in front of the whole world? exso is for you… Want to know how nerds stay skinny? The Nerd Gym!!…

  • An Unfair opt-out policy makes strike 2 for Yahoo. Actually, I would like to count removing the free POP email access as 3 strikes. If they had asked would I be willing to pay for POPping my email, then they would have learned that am I not. No one I have discussed this with seems…

  • Why is it that every time I turn around these online advertisers have yet another trick up their sleeves?

  • “By attempting to protect ourselves from viruses we are preventing the realization of artificial intelligence. So we should open all of our ports and remove the logins.” — J This was sarcasm, I think. I did find it very amusing.  

  • This is newly posted in my work web site’s guest book. “Guest book spammers whose message contains any form of advertisement for a web site I deem to be commercial will find the entry deleted at MY convenience.” Sorry… I don’t like being spammed. I get close to a thousand emails a day. I consider spam…

  • Wooohoo! I am going to live to a ripe old age! I get about 5.5 hours of sleep a night… In case you didn’t know… 95% of the world are bad guys, cause bad guys use PCs, good guys use Macs! Or is that why the bad guys never win? Their computer crashed at a critical juncture…

  • Join the Nerd herd! Okay, not just anyone should join the ranks of the nerds. Still, there are some pretty obvious members. Oh, how nice, AngryShirts has a Government Slave t-shirt… This spam subject was pretty creative… “Osama Bin Laden Captured by US Forces!!! — g…”. Too bad I am not too dumb to fall for…

  • Maybe we are playing AD&D 2nd ed. today, maybe not. Still, going to be prepared for it. Going to Tally tomorrow. Will suck it up and buy a Zip 250 drive so I can again use my disks. I was planning on waiting until I get closer to buying a new computer, but that keeps…