Category: Cybersecurity

  • Part of the problem of getting people not to succumb to phishing attempts is the poor practices used in legitimate emails. Google sent me an email saying something was going to expire in a month because of inactivity. I needed to click on a link and verify my information. You know, exactly the same kind…

  • Apparently someone out there is trying to brute force WordPress admin account passwords. Of course, older installers set the administrator username to the same account name: admin. Since this brute force is targeting that account name, WordPress blog owners are being advised to make sure to rename that account.

  • Apparently there are security flaws in the current version of Java allowing the installation of malicious software through web browsers unknown to the user. The known attacks using this flaw work on Windows, OSX, and Linux. According to Reuters: Java was responsible for 50 percent of all cyber attacks last year in which hackers broke…

  • No, a person cannot catch a computer virus. But, as more wireless technology is implanted in people, I can see worse things being done. Given an example was the exact model of a former vice president of the United State’s pacemaker, I can see the Secret Service going into fits figuring out how to prevent…

  • As a freshman in college, I made… some poor choices involving computers. (As all such stories go there was a girl involved, but I was not interested in her. My friends were. There were plenty of other girls I was interested in tangentially involved though.) As a result of the poor choices, we were brought…

  • My Internet Service Provider spams me about deals. Requests not to receive phone calls or emails have no effect. (I love Google Voice because I have their number on a no ring list for their robocalls.) They send emails weekly about deals I should take to pay them more than I am. Usually I delete…

  • At work denim was removed from the acceptable dress code. No worry to me because I could not remember the last time I actually wore jeans to the office. They are not clothes I wear often away from the office either. Even in “cold” weather (above freezing, below room temperature) I sweat in them. I…

  • There is a a story about a nine year old gaining administrator access to his school’s system to change passwords and home work assignments. [Blackboard] disputes local reports that the installation of its technology at the school was hacked. “It was actually not a hack, unless you consider the fact that the 9-year-old took the…

  • I noticed today comment spammers are getting craftier. Some of the comments I approved I now believe to be comment spam. Perhaps they are probing to later deliver the real deal? They use the name of people who legitimately commented. Because the scammer cannot see the real email commenter’s address, they use a different one…