SecurityWatch has an interesting article discussing a new virus which looks for filenames which might contain kiddie porn. Once it identifies a file that may contain it, the file and email address are emailed to a government agency. Read the article. Another article discusses a bill circulating the House which would allow ISPs to sue spammers.…
Tom Wise has another opinion article out on Racism and the criminal justice system. Read it on ———- Shopping online with a credit card should be getting safer. Inter@ctive Week has an article on Mastercard, Visa, and American Express approaches to making this stuff safe. Inter@ctive Week article
Someone wrote a virus which exploits a backdoor created by the lion worm to… patch the infected system. Interesting that anti-virus “experts” are concerned about it because it does break into your system. Read the article at
Hmmmmmmmmmm… guess it is time to clean up my space in the office, huh? It seems that the large amount of hacking and an innability to stop it has resulted in vigilantes attacking perceived threats. See article Hmmmmmmm… Defacements rise in China/U.S. hacker war. Kind of like gangs tagging streets. You go into the other’s territory and…
It is unfortunate that the Taliban decided to destroy any non-Muslim artifacts in Afghanistan. Some fairly recent photos at Yahoo show that they destroyed 2 giant Buddhas thought to be over 1500 years old. I don’t quite understand the need to attack others that are different. For those of you that do not have it… I recommend…
Security Focus article titled Evaluating Anti-Virus Software for Home Use . Looks like a great reference on protecting one’s computer from viruses. Updated the movie list… apparently I am quickly approaching the 400 movie mark. Sad, isn’t it? Need to come up with a very scaleable storage solution. Right now I only have a 100 count…
Some interesting security articles… AIM Is Insecure (duh!?) and some details of the Microsoft October hack tell-all.
Got a scare at work… Searching for porn on the school’s search engine puts one of my home pages in the number 2 slot. Turns out I have a link to Furniture Porn. Yesterday was pretty cool. Gave 3 presentations to some 7th graders for Career Day. A couple of them are really interested in hacking…
Helped clean a virus off of a computer just now. VBS_Loveletter.AS is yet another variant of the now infamous ILOVEYOU virus. Don’t understand why people neglect to take a more active stance in preventing themselves from receiving viruses. Probably people like me are into overkill, but I make sure that all of my software is set…